14m 10sLänge

*Warning for a sudden loud sound in the last 2 seconds of the video, during the bloopers. What are auditory processing disorders? Is Central Auditory Processing Disorder a cognitive or sensory issue? Do all autistic people have auditory processing issues? What is having CAPD like? What are some ways that I can accommodate people with CAPD at home, in school, or at work? Answers to all of these questions and more in this (new, fourteen-minutes-long) episode of Ask an Autistic! Sources and further reading: "(Not) A Little Slow" https://musingsofanaspie.com/2013/05/29/not-a-little-slow/ "A thing experts don't talk about: Auditory Processing Disorder" https://loveexplosions.net/2014/10/28/a-thing-experts-dont-talk-about-auditory-processing-disorder/ "Receptive language problems vs. auditory processing problems." http://withasmoothroundstone.tumblr.com/post/90070261625/receptive-language-problems-vs-auditory "what 'auditory and visual processing problems' means" http://stimmyabby.tumblr.com/post/135054390537/what-auditory-and-visual-processing-problems http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/apd-factsheet.html?WT.ac=p-ra http://www.caddac.ca/cms/page.php?166 http://neurowonderful.tumblr.com http://facebook.com/AmythestSchaber http://twitter.com/Amythest Schaber http://www.neurowonderful.com The music track used in this video is "Like Music" by Pheraph.