Big Spider Attacks Daddy
wie Sie tun, machen, Film, Beispiel
Do not attempt this at home, spiders can be very dangerous. Seems our house is infested with giant spiders which can attack at any moment. Video of an attempted catching of a giant Huntsman spider, it's mating season and the female spiders are out looking for a male. As seen on MTV, BBC3, Jay Leno show and Japan TV, Number 14 on Rudetube top 100 2010. Channel 4 UK tried to DMCA this video as their content, sorry but it's owned by leokimvideo. You must have written permission from me to use any part of this video, that's the rules. Web Links :
I'm really no BS in pain from laughing
meanwhile in Australia .....brrrruh
This is from the hey google ad!!!
Its mating season, at 0:50 she found her mate.
That scared the fuk out of me
Yep. me too. I'm laughing so hard... I told you not to play with spider! lmao!
I love how people exaggerate their fear of spiders on the internet. It's my favourite meme. So funny.
This bitch makes toy reviews now
I went to my friends property in the country in australia in the middle of nowhere and when we were cleaning up i found a huntsman this size but it was dead, it was just the skin, but yet it still looked like an alive spider. The skin had dried because it had been in the sun. Even though it was only the skin it still took me a while to get the courage to pick the shell up... lol. but when i did, and examined the body, the fangs were fucking massive!! that was alarming!
Isn't this an ad now???
Remember watching this on Ridiculousness. Covered my eyes the whole time xD
😂😂😂Ummmm you seriously need to get your house fumigated!!!! Lol 😂
did anyone here the dad say NYA!!!!!!!
Darling, bring wood and oil.
justo burn the House and move to other country
Get oned
you were meant to put the spider in the cup not your foot
who from 2017 XD
lmfao i cant stop laughing