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4m 57sLänge
Merry christmas you goons. This is my last overwatch video.
So many nolifr scrub retards playing overwatch that bitching everygame lol、fuck them
He's low-key a fucking beast at overwatch
I honestly thought this was somehow exaggerated, played a single game of competitive tonight and was not disappointed. people are so angry
Overwatch is the worst. It has come to the point that if I ever get a whiny bitch on my team, I just treat the game like a QP match. That's the rule. Get a crybaby on the team, just try to have fun.
Get good at overwatch man
More overdumk
Dunky I love your overwatch videos!
anyone know the name of that Yoshi's Island sounding song he plays while he's doing good?
and my roommate wonders why I don't play Overwatch anymore
I love these videos but overwatch is complete cancer. Bunch of autistics complaining about everything the whole time.
im literally in love with you ahahha i like cried 4584385098934 times.
someone please tell me how to get the baby soundboard
One of the illest videos I've ever seen. Had me rollin!
you know dunkey, I liked your channel until you didn't make a timesplitters video
there should be more people like PIMPGOOSE playing this game. Some other kids just think they know everything about OW and just blaime others and do nothing.
overwatch community is cancer
Uhhh I love dunkey but does he play with aimbot on or are my eyes just fucking with me? At 4:24 the camera snaps immediately to kill Reinhardt to make it look like an aimbot. No?
those teammates are stupid nice zarya i think junkrat isnt working out he killed the whole team meh change
Tekken School Sound BGM FTW!