Chris Wallace: 'One of the Problems' with Obamacare is Too Many Poor People Get Medicaid
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--Chris Wallace says that one of the problems with Obamacare is that poor people are getting medicaid --On the Bonus Show: Are the Chinese consuming infant flesh?, Babies can learn songs before they are born, a voicemail on bias and debate, Louis' Halloween costume, more... Become a Member: Facebook: Twitter: TDPS Gear: 24/7 Voicemail Line: (219)-2DAVIDP Subscribe to The David Pakman Show for more: Support TDPS by clicking (bookmark it too!) this link before shopping on Amazon: Broadcast on November 4, 2013 David's Instagram:
chris Wallace is a jerk there's so many people that's poor that's on it I don't get that but my friends do it's not the poor people fault Obama care stinks its not the poor people fault he's a jerk
I'm just wondering what ever happened to freedom of choice. Liberals live in lala land and I'm pretty sure they don't believe in the Constitution. If Liberals had their own country everybody would be broke, because they would not have a middle class to subsidize them and their cRaZy beliefs.
I am a Canadian and I understand what he is saying. Obamacare will NOT WORK unless you get a lot of young healthy fools to overpay. They will subsidize the old who are much better off as a whole. Another payoff to pass Obamacare. The death spiral is when you have too many old, sick and those with pre-existing conditions and not enough young healthy people to balance them off. This is NOT REGULAR MEDICAID. The rules were relaxed to cover more people . You will have a lot of extra people put on medicaid at the same time many doctors will not take them as they lose money. Many states don't want to get stuck with extra payments if the Federal government stops subsiding. You don't want Canada like health insurance as the wait times are forever. You can always cut your costs by stopping organ transplants and go back to the 50's technology and medicine. Before you say tax the rich remember in the US the lowest 50% pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX. When do THEY PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE? How come those that pushed the most President Obama, the Democratic congress and the Unions are excluded or want to be excluded? Just asking.
It's not just stating the very last sentence in the clip says what they don't like about it (too many people not paying into the system).
are you guys pretending to be idiots or are you REALLY idiots? yes, it is indeed a blessing for those MILLIONS who are getting free healthcare via OBAMACARE or getting heavily subsidized insurance, but:
you cannot get something for nothing, and supposedly those healthy, young individuals who actually pay for their insurance are the ones subsidizing the poor and the sick. the more young folks apply and pay for insurance, the more people can be subsidized. but what is happening now is the direct opposite. MORE are applying for free insurance and less are actually paying for it. compounding the problem is the fact that fewer doctors are willing to participate in this and it will eventually lead to folks having to wait half a year to just see a doctor due to the shortage. -
David Pakman, have you signed up for 0bamacare?
I really would like Chris Wallace to explain to me how I as a poor disabled person can just jump on medicaid considering they claim I don't qualify even tho I'm on disability. Doesn't make does it?
don't you guys have any common sense at all?!?!? The reason it is worrying that significantly more people are getting medicaid than medicare is that those who PAY for their insurance (medicare) are supposed to subsidize or pay for those WHO GET FREE INSURANCE.
what is happening is that MORE folks are getting free insurance which would naturally drive up premiums for those who PAY for their insurance, which would obviously cause LESS people who pay for their insurance to apply.
can you see where this is leading to? or do i have to explain even that to you? -
Based on many of the posts many dumb kids living at home and sucking on their parents tit. Yeap YOU KID. I feel sorry for you young folks. You will be stuck with the bull shit governing by the Baby Boomers. Debt and socialized liberal crap will make this country another Europe.
How would liberals know about Fox News, the NUMBER 1 on cable for YEARS?
You liberals either keep watching it and hating it, or just make up bullshit that you heard on MSNBC. Now thats a fair and balanced channel that nobody but you dopes watch. TIP..........don't watch Fox News. It might make you think on your own. -
Forcing some of us to buy "insurance" that we neither want or need is wrong. Forcing some of us to subsidize freeloaders, illegal aliens, Congress members and Obama's cronies is criminal.
We spend more money on military industrial complex, wars, and corporate subsidies than we do on helping to feed clothe and house the poor, at this point you can stop trying to claim that this is a nation founded on Christian values.
I didn't qualify before because I had a 2k 401k yeah that was the only thing holding back my approval. Talk what you know and don't parrot nonsense you see on television scripted by rich people to tell the middle class that the poor people are the source of every problem in this country, you'll be better off in the long run.
Tax payers like me already subsidize everyone's care that doesn't have insurance by paying higher costs, higher premiums, and higher insurance payments/copays for preventative, in 2016 you guys will have no boat to stand on because the costs to the industry as well as the prices will plummet due to this system and then what will you complain about will you go back to making kenya statements? or how about the socialist word? I'm a socialist, Obama is moderate trust me. LOL
They already knew what was in it, SHE didn't most likely but those that matter did, it was already running in MASS long before a conservative coined the phrase Obamacare in a broadcast.
Name one person who's losing their insurance, oh that would be none. Obamacare btw isn't an insurance of it's own it's a marketplace for private companies to compete, see what I mean about conservatives not getting the facts straight?
I suggest you pay attention to two very good liberals at expressing the facts about the political situations, John Fugelsang and Rachel Maddow because neither one of them are ever accused of misquoting or misinterpreting a conservative and there's a very good reason why, they do direct quotes and backup their claims with facts right there in the open where no conservative can hide.
no dear you have it backwards, conservatives just like the republicans love to psychologically project their very own behaviors onto liberals all the time. It's well known fact. Liberals focus in on facts every time.
So very Christian. Just what Jesus would do, say a big "fuck you" to sick poor people.