Subscribe to Dr. Greger’s free nutrition newsletter at and get a free excerpt from his latest NYT Bestseller HOW NOT TO DIE. (All proceeds Dr. Greger receives from his books, DVDs, and speaking go to charity). DESCRIPTION: The reason eating citrus fruit appears to protect against cancer may be because of DNA repair enzyme boosting powers of a compound concentrated in the peel. That’s why my favorite citrus fruit is kumquat, because you can eat the peel and all! For other foods that may keep our DNA intact, see my last video Which Fruits and Vegetables Boost DNA Repair? ( Kiwifruit (Kiwifruit and DNA Repair ( and broccoli (DNA Protection from Broccoli ( may also fit the bill. More on citrus in Keeping Your Hands Warm With Citrus ( and Reducing Muscle Fatigue With Citrus ( Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it! • Facebook: • Twitter: • Podcast: • Subscribe: http:// • Donate: