Das fliegende Segelboot
wie Sie tun, machen, Film, Beispiel
5m 35sLänge
Acht Studenten wollen mit einem fliegenden Segelboot Geschwindigkeitsrekorde brechen. Dafür haben sie ein Boot entwickelt, das mit Tragflügeln aus dem Wasser steigt und die Windkraft besser nutzt.
Ich versteh kein Wort...
O M G !
Armchair, lmaO!!! 40 years plus of watching short-height hulls get driven to pitch-pole TRYING to keep up didn't come from sitting on my ass. So troll another direction ass-in.
nobody needs you to decide anything, armchair talking fool.
tolle Stimme!
It was a student project at ETH Zurich hyraii.ethz.ch
Excuse me, students of which university??
Let's see it in 8 ft. caps, 5 miles off, with 18+ blowin', then I'll decide.
St. Moriz or something
Hey, where is it? I couldnt understand the words at the begining of the video, germen speakers pls help me:))!
No, the centerboards pushes the boat flat
needs a wing
looks like 10 professional designers and 4 builders made this boat, but just some students who don't know much of sailing and boat building, oh my goodness, i understand why it took one year to build it -.-
Dachte ich mir auch schon. ;D
@BubblePowerBoy go watch some vids on moths on hydrofoil - it's well possible
I couldn't understand a word but the boat is really cool! I want to learn how to make hulls like that!