Fallout 4 Nick Valentine PERKS Master Hacking CONFIRMED
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Thanks to BruhIsYouSerious on youtube.com for proving my sorry ass wrong ! Although in my defense I think his hacking level MAY be based upon your AFFINTY with Nick Valentine ! lets confirm ... http://www.americanhardcoregames.com/Fallout.html
Yea he Can Definitely Hack A master terminal 100% sure but i Saved before and had to Load the Game 15 times before he got it
Is there a way to equip Nick with a weapon of your own choosing and him actually use it?
can someone help he won't picks locks anymore he says he can't do that
he won't do shit for me
Too bad he got locked out of the master terminal I am currently at. I thought I would get master lockpicking and get Nick as partner, instead of me getting master at hacking and having Cait as a companion for locks. Cait can try indefinitely until she succeeds, but Nick seems to be locked out although I've waited several hours. This isn't really the best scenario for me SINCE I'M PLAYING ON SURVIVAL god damnit. I can't just easily save before each terminal. Maybe there's some way of removing Nick from his task after you hear him fail three times with the password, and he can start over again? Haha.
It's completely random he can hack any computer it just depends on luck (he opened it up for me when I just got him)
Nice to see you tried it dude. Keep up the videos enjoying them :)