Studying for finals and need some flashcards on the go without a huge stack? Buy FlashCards Deluxe! This is a great app to have. I've been using it this whole week, and having my study guide in my pocket is very helpful. Being 3.99 in the app store I really recommend it. A bit skeptical about it? Try the lite version, but your limited to a couple of things. In this app your allowed to download your flashcards straight from a google spreadsheet, then going to their website "" and just download it to your iPod, no cord necessary. Also you can change the color of your font and the background to suit you. You also have the option to make it bold, italic, or even underlined. Check their website for a full description for that, and you can view the flash cards in landscape mode! Overall i would give this app a 10/10 $3.99 And what i mis said was that when you change the way you flip through the cards (ordered, random....) it only applies to that deck. What a great feature! =D
I am the co founder of the company Heffon Productions, and we have developed a FREE new android app that is an improved version of this flashcard app, and uses a novel pop up strategy to ensure you learn all the material you are studying. Follow this link to download this FREE app
Then tell your friends about it. Have them upload decks of custom cards to the free deck exchange to be used by others, and get your name on our leaderboard.
Thank You,
Liam Brown (Co founder