Healing Code to remove etheric implants
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6m 13sLänge
This Transmission sends the Healing Code 131 415 6266 9014 50145 to remove etheric implants. It works like a Distant Healing. Add the Transmission to a playlist, set it to repeat and enjoy it as long as you need. ****Support my work and this Channel by sharing the Transmission with your friends.**** Diese Transmission sendet den Healing Code 131 415 6266 9014 50145 für die Entfernung von ätherischen Implantaten. Es funktioniert wie eine Fernheilung. Füge das Video einer Playlist hinzu und dann kannst du es wiederholt abspielen, solange du willst. ***Unterstütze meinen Kanal indem du die Transmissionen mit Freunden und Bekannten teilst.
is suppose to be no sound?
the one in my forehead doesn't feel so good right now kinda like pain I suppose...
Crystal you are right. I've been sick and using them for 3 days now and starting to feel much better. have had a lot of itching too and the itching relief one is helping I notice but the itching skin creams weren't helping much. In fact if I am feeling awful when I begin listening I quickly become calm with a good feeling. and it is not my imagination because I am a long time self-observer. I am very skeptical about everything people claim until I have verified yes or no. Thanks again Energized Silence.
I love it ..I had dream of that lights in the middle of the circle in November now I now this is what it was ..thank you so much..love and light to all namaste
bonjour...pouvez vous m expliquer en francais le but de cette vidéo. je n ai pas très bien compris . merci d avance
Learn more about etheric implants search for James bartleys channel and find Lynn Williams etheric inplant removal
wow- I was sitting on the couch for 4 hours and couldnt move from worry and fear, finally played this was able to get up
Love this , it is beyond words i am at peace fm nz
ok so how does one knows that these are not the oposite of what they state to be? could you give some kind of explanation of where and how you came upon these codes?
I could feel the energy running all over my body. Thank you so much
How will you know when it works? I've done some implant removal before, but never in silence
I'm trying to uninstall system healer
I what you mean by "etheric implants" the same as etheric cords, is this for cord cutting?
I feel so much love on this channel :)
I tried to do everything even theta healing, I have strange pains in the head, when I lie on the bed increases but when I lie down on the side diminishes, I think it's something to do with the kundalini
I gave up, I am removing the chakras and the kundalini system with a radionics program I feel much better although the pain there 's always
Now I listened Healing Code for removal of Parasites Also etheric Attachments and I felt much better, but this strange pain in his head almost to the front is not removed for help meeeeeee
I think I've mixed too many things of the same kind, I'd need a general detoxification
not the doctor does not believe and does not know these things
thank you, but last night I tried to remove it with a radionics program that uses the flower of life in writing trend implants were removed. I felt a little better but then I said (name) I ask Jesus with the help of the Archangel Michael and Metatron to remove all the etheric implants, I made a couple of yawns and I felt terrible all night. I tried everything clean energy, energy balance, balance the nervous system, balance mind spirit, balance meridians but niente.Alla end I created a combination of these sounds 396 417 639 741 852 seems to go a little better. Do you have any advice for me? thank you