How to Animation Cancel: Tricks for Cancelling Animations With Flash and Autoing | League of Legends
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What's your favorite animation to cancel? Watch me Live: Stay connected at: Follow Me on Twitter: @GamingCurios Send any questions to me via YouTube PM! Thumbnail Source:
As a dota player trying to learn a bit about league, this is so weird XD. For as far as I know if you blink during cast time there you just won't end up casting it
this works with nami q.
Remember when Jeremy still makes short videos? Pepperidge farm remembers.
So I already know how to do that but I just have no idea what is it called.
Is Jeremy the voice in LoL spotlights?
i thought this is like in DotA and HoN where you literally stop the animation mid cast time.
I mastered Riven animation cancelling. However, im terrible in decision making as Riven, so i dont play her
I noticed one on one of my most played champions Ashe the other day - autoattack then w then autoattack xD this works as animation-cancelling, but also covers the autoattack because the ability looks like multible autoattacks
Does the Thresh hook any more? I think they nerfed the animation cancel for Death Sentence, is it still able to be pulled off?@Jeremygamingcurios
that's bukshit you can see in the tristana video that the flash cd was before the ulti :3
Does that also work with Ezreals or Lux Ult? I mean it's still considered to be a casting time, not a channel.
1:08 wtf? trist can ult minions!??!
Ty this helped me with riven flash engage :)
I like how with melee champs like Poppy, you can go Auto > Q > Hydra > Auto for insane fast burst
I want that Riven picture.
How the hell does a dumbshit plat player make videos that are just plain wrong and still get views LOL.
man this is the most wrong jeremy has been about something in a while.
How do you get it that you stand there and not attack minions