Updated video, much more understandable with no music: https://youtu.be/3za5fsfYftQ (5 mins ONLY!) Here is how to fix the infinite loading screen, black screen or infinite boot-loop. Working for Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (and likely future ones as well) ----------YOU NEED TO READ MORE!!!!! EXPAND THIS!---------- How to rollback changes made in this video and fix common errors caused by this method: https://tcno.co/MoreInfo/Blackscreen/ ------------------------- Fix didn't work? Try this: How to reinstall Windows without a disk and do a System Restore: https://youtu.be/L0eg9mjuYgI ------------------------- This method will: - Keep ALL your personal files safe - Keep all your programs working The first boot after doing this fix will be slow, but after the first boot it should return to normal. ------------------------- This problem can also happen: - When you update windows and restart - When you install a new program or driver - Completely randomly ______________________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechNoboOrigins Website: https://tcno.co Help support me by joining Freedom! using my referral link (It will take no money away from you) https://www.freedom.tm/via/TechNoboOriginal