MIND FIELD: ISOLATION What happens when your brain is deprived of stimulation? What effect does being cut off from interaction with the outside world have on a person? What effect does it have on me, when I am locked in a windowless, soundproof isolation chamber for three days? In this episode of Mind Field, I take both an objective and a very intimate look at Isolation. Special thanks to our guests: Dominic Monaghan @DomsWildThings Dr. Keller Wortham @DrKellerW Dr. Ron Mossler, Chair and Professor of Psychology, La Valley College William Brown, and of course, Marnie and Mom. Music by Russell Spurlock and HMX Music http://www.russellspurlock.com http://www.hmxmusic.com Mind Field theme song by Jake Chudnow https://www.youtube.com/user/jakechudnow Reaction Time Test - Human Benchmark http://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime If you like this show and want to support creators and other shows like this, tell your friends about YouTubeRED! I appreciate YouTube’s dedication to scientific content. Mind Field wouldn’t have been possible without their support and belief in educational videos. It’s wonderful to know that a show like this can be made. To those of you watching: thank you. ALL OF YOU! Your passion for learning makes me feel great about the world. Follow me at Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tweetsauce Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/electricpants Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/vsaucegaming A YouTube Red Original Series - http://youtube.com/Red If you’re in the U.S., Australia, Mexico or New Zealand, sign up for YouTube Red at youtube.com/red. If you’re not based in these countries, click here (https://goo.gl/UEojxv) for more details on how to watch.