4m 44sLänge

Works in 1.7.3! Funktioniert in 1.7.3!!!!!!!!!! Das es funktioniert seht ihr im Video. Auch ist es gut beschrieben, wie man es macht. Ich benutze keine Cheats o.ä., das funktioniert wirklich. Probiert es aus. As you can see in the Video, it is working. It is also explained how to do the Glitch. I dont use any Cheats, it is just working. Go and try it. @ MOJANG, @ GUYS WHO MAKE PLUGINS: This is an enourmous Chance to Griefers and a very annoying bug. In my Opinion, this should be fixed ASAP. Plugins: WorldGuard AuthMe Permissions (-.-) iZones http://www.bukkit.org Protect your Servers, guys. Protected eure Server, Leute. TAGZZ Mojang AB Minecraft Minicraft Redstone Circuits Bug Problem working Work how to build howto tutorial ALU A L U Adding Substracting Machine Register Save Memory hack griefing client for free good Storage In Out Input Output Binary Binär System Maschine Rechner Taschenrechner Gates Gatter Logic Logisch Logische Gates Red Stone Inverter Doubledoors Double Doors Minecraftmonkeys Episode 1 ALU rechenmaschine plus minus 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 BIT bit easy no not notnot xor xnor And nand Latch RS or Flip Slop T D S Q awesome funny division multiplication performing addition CPU central Processing Unit substraction addieren subtrahieren Mathe Maths Mathematics GPU graphics Mathematik Physics Physic Physik Full Adder Voller Addierer Subtrahierer Multiplikator Divisor Substracter Divider Multiplicator theinternetftw internet ftw the jacksparrow322 Video FullAdderTutorial Counter Programm Programmcounter Registers shift shifting programm load memoryregisters befehlszähler betriebssystem Operating system in minecraft weasel first ever extreme dangerous glitch infinite infinitive items TNT greif may occur grief Protection Protect setting up Plugins Minecraft server install allocate more RAM singleplayer fix 1.7.3 1.8