Noam Chomsky: The Alien perspective on humanity - Jung & Naiv: Episode 284
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Werde ein Naivling/Subscribe ► German, Spanish & English subtitles available! Fanshop ► We meet Noam (and his wife) in his office at MIT in Cambridge. Tilo asks Noam to pretend to be an alien for a moment. An alien who looks down on Earth. What does he witness? Chomsky explains what the objective observer from out of space would see: What is humanity up to in the 21st century? Will it be our final century? Are we going to survive? What existential dangers are we facing? What's the most dangerous organization in human history? Tilo and "Alien Chomsky" also talk about the American Empire: Is it going to last? Is America the exception to the rule of Empires always falling? What about Obama's drone program? Is Obama a terrorist? Is Germany part of a terrorist organization? Is Martin Luther King still right about his government? Thanks to more than a thousand supporters who helped produce this episode with Noam Chomsky! You are all being credited at the end of the episode. Find your name on our website: Subtitles provided by: Cristian Wente Please support this independent show financially: Diese Folge wurde nur möglich durch eure finanzielle Unterstützung: Tilo Jung IBAN: DE36700222000072410386 BIC: FDDODEMMXXX PayPal ► Fanshop ► Kein naives Video mehr verpassen: Abonniert den Youtube-Kanal. Folgt uns auf Facebook & bringt euch ein!
Chomskys basically a plagiarist. Using writings from greater more talented writer's while adding his own spin to updated agenda. If you listen to him, he quotes writers while adding his own opinion. He's made a career from plagiarism while ignoring the state of man. He might quote Jung without actually feeling what he said. I doubt he's ever thrown a punch in his life or been trained 3 years at least as any man should, to fight. He objectifies while ignoring Nietzsche's will to power, inherent in man.
Regarding "global polls":
One of the issues with a true democracy (everyone has an equal vote) is that those on the dole will vote for more money for themselves. In any U.N. or World Poll of ALL the Nations, then the U.S. finds itself 'in a Democracy,' where the needy vote compensation... to themselves... and the U.S. is the 'deep pockets' for these situations. For ONE example, to acknowldge 'some' contribution to Global Warming (by historic U.S. enterprises) to the NORMAL global temperature rise would therefore lead to 'how much?' contribution, and, as it would again be judged by just WHO has the deepest pockets, then they U.S. would be paying for the resettlement of all the thousands of poor islanders around the world that raise their hand as being damaged by rising Oceans. Nevermind that the Oceans would be rising - as the Ocean levels have NEVER been stable. (Never discussed: will increased CO2 increase crop yields for ALL Nations? Answer: YES; Will any lives actually be taken by the global rise of the Oceans? Answer: probably not. Are there other issues we DO know about, such as ongoing famine, Malaria, etc. be addressed to any improvement of the 2M that die from these issues each year? Probably not. The WRONG questions are being asked. -
Wenn ich mal alt bin und aus mir kein so unfassbar kluger Kopf geworden ist, dann hätte ich doch zumindest gerne seine episch raunende Stimme. Was für ein Typ!
climate change is hoax created by al gore
This man is my hero!
Chomsky is an amazing human being whose heart is as immense as his intellect. Rarely do we find in any one person the capacity for deep thought with a wisdom that is commensurate in concern for his fellow mankind. Sadly, few are listening.
Trump: "The Anthropocene? Well, that is an arrogant presumption. No man has yet seen what's to come about climate. We cannot even tell the weather from two days from now..." 4:25
And...The GOP won. Sort of. IMO, they hate Trump unless they can leash (and muzzle) him. Which it seems they have.
Comment #764.
Right on . -
Hat jemand eine vertrauenswürdige Quelle zur offiziellen Begründung für das NATO-Raketensystem?
Noam is great - this presenter sucks though, super annoying!
Ca. Minute 14:00
Wissenschaftler des Instituts für Umwelt und Geographie Dhaka haben Satellitendaten seit 1973 ausgewertet und sagen, Bangladeshs Landmasse sei seitdem jährlich um 20 Quadratkilometer auf natürliche Weise(!) gewachsen, seit den letzten 10.000 Jahren jährlich im Schnitt um 4,4 Quadratkilometer.
Prof. Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, ehemaliger Hauptberichterstatter und (einziger) Spezialist beim IPCC für den Meeresspiegelanstieg zw. 2000 und 2007 sagte einmal in einem Interview, überall in der Welt könne er hingehen er finde nirgendwo einen Anstieg aber "they need the rise". Er sei deswegen aus dem IPCC ausgestiegen. -
The only zombie apocalypse will be created by us not our deceased loved ones unburying themselves from the graves to eat the living
Chomsky has made contact with aliens and he is here to share their wisdom :*)
Chomsky raised two new issues. After WW2 the US controlled half the world's wealth, now US corporations own half the worlds wealth. (the US now has only a quarter). Unexplained: NC introduces the idea of a world government to remedie the threat of nuclear (WW) genocide
what's the song at the end?
The Canadian and U.S. Military will each build a state of the art facility in China that will house sports, the arts, scientific and medical research and educational. The sites to be located at places determined by china where the potential of an armed attack is greatest. China reciprocates in the U.S. and Canada.
The architecture and functionality of the buildings will be based largely on the needs of the visiting country with input from the home country. The purpose is to create a facility in the home country that the visiting country would not want to destroy. Thereby reducing the offensive military capacity of countries involved while maintaining their defensive capacity.
These facilities will encourage exchanges, with the best athletes, artists, doctors and scientists.
Life stream and video production will provide viewers at home a shared experience.
The design and construction of the Military Peace Stations will have designers, construction crews, troops, families, support personnel, scientists, leaders and civilians from the visiting country working alongside their counterparts in the home country on the ground together. It will be a cooperative effort at all levels except for security issues of the home country.
These exchanges will give the military a leading role in the peace process and develop new skill sets in its membership. It will develop a broadness of mind in all levels of the military, government and the populace. The efforts of all sectors of the society to accommodate a different perspective bodes well for the enhancement of a creative spirit which will have positive effects in all aspects of society; innovation, science, technology, health, life-styles...
Combatants would think twice about destroying:
- the state of the art buildings they worked diligently to create,
- the scientists that are essential to their well-being,
- the athletes and artists they personally identify with,
- the people of the host country they work and play with, and over time, learn to love and respect.
In honour of those who sacrificed so much to bring us to this point in world history: Lest We Forget.
Process - Community Input
Political science classes from high schools in Canada and the U.S. to partner with two political political science high school classes in China for the purpose of designing the functionality of Military Peace Stations in the U.S., China and Canada. At this level it is a cooperative effort amongst all parties. Individual students will be encouraged to explore ideas with other students in the other countries.
Experts in the fields of psychology, sociology, astrophysics, military history... will be invited to speak to and inspire students along with officials at Ministry of national Defence and Foreign affairs who will explain what it means to be a Canadian ambassador who identifies as a Peacemakers. Their presentations placed on the web along with others in their respected field.
Art and design classes in the three countries will create architectural designs for the Military Peace Station that will be guided by the proposals of the political science class. Experts in the fields of architecture, engineering, psychology, sociology, astrophysics, sports, arts and science will assist the students at schools. Their presentations placed on the web along with others in their respected field.
The proposals from the schools to be reviewed and elaborated upon by universities and military colleges in the three countries. Military colleges will focus on security issues.
All proposals to be placed on the web site for others to see and build upon. It is in the spirit of the proposal that if you are using someone's idea you acknowledge the source of your inspiration. The Website will blog ideas from anyone who wishes to contribute.
Final submission from university and military colleges to be sent to the governments of all three countries.
The design and building of these stations should involve as broad a sector of the populace as possible such that when political and military leadership changes the psychological and social forces on the new leadership to maintain and improve on the exchanges will continue.
Some ideas to explore:
Facilities for Sports and Military Games
Since many of the games will be played with teams composed of players from different countries, dressing rooms and other facilities should be multicultural and provide assistance with translation between players.
Medical Centre
Doctors from the home country will work on injuries of athletes and soldiers in the visiting country who have not had the best success with their medical system.
Centres in both countries will partner in research that will benefit hell-being and fitness both physically and emotionally.
Science Centre
Astronomy centre dedicated to:
- the understanding of our evolution
- the search for celestial bodies such as asteroids, rogue planets and binary solar systems that may not bode well for Earth's well-being.
Rehab Centre
To house members of military families.
Think-tank Centre
A network that reaches out to all areas of the world for ideas which will assist the resolution of differences between countries.
A computer system to interlink and ameliorate these ideas for practical use. People from around the world will be able to challenge both the logic and conclusion of this computer system.
A task force that applies new conflict resolution ideas at home with people in conflict: gangs, prisons, communities.
A video game design centre to assist in the development of peace strategies.
The think tank would be an antennae into the community so as to understand the origins of potential conflict.
Internet Musical Sculptures
A sound and video system to be built into a sculpture that will display other musical sculptures in other cities. The sculptures will be reflective of the history and spirit of the visiting country.
This sculpture to have a stage designed primarily for children. Percussion instruments on the outside are designed primarily for adults. The height of most instruments can be adjusted to accommodate those adults in evening gatherings who wish to use the stage.
Above and around the drums, lights will flash to the beat of the music. In the drums 25% of the lights there will respond to people hitting the drums and another 75% will respond to the drummers when they are on beat.
Video screens on the inside and outside show players from other cities.
Bicycles transport the sculpture and can be mounted so as to power the electrical system. A solar panel on the roof can be raised to the preferred angle for additional energy.
A portable sculpture like this could travel and would provide a means for foreign visitors to interact with the public.