Obamacare is Working: Uninsured Rate Drops
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--Uninsured rates drop as Obamacare continues to work http://www.gallup.com/poll/167798/uninsured-rate-continues-fall.aspx http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/03/10/1283498/-Obamacare-is-working-Uninsured-rate-nbsp-drops#?detail=facebook --On the Bonus Show: Sbarro files chapter 11...again, California moves to ban killer whale shows, Louis' experience with SXSW, more... Website: http://www.davidpakman.com Become a Member: http://www.davidpakman.com/membership Be our Patron on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/davidpakman Discuss This on Reddit: http://www.davidpakman.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/davidpakmanshow Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/davidpakmanshow TDPS Gear: http://www.davidpakman.com/gear 24/7 Voicemail Line: (219)-2DAVIDP Subscribe to The David Pakman Show for more: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=midweekpolitics Support TDPS by clicking (bookmark it too!) this link before shopping on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/?tag=thedavpaksho-20 Broadcast on March 11, 2014 David's Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/david.pakman
This isnt about Sire drops on runescape, what the dick.
This guy is so deluded, he believes that people that sign for insurance pay for it. When statistically only 1/4 percent of the people actuality paid for it, and the other 3/4 of the population got on the Medicaid boat, or my words of (my legs are broken and can't work) so I can suck on the government's titt. So our taxes will be hire next year by 4%. Just because of all of those food stamps people that can work but won't because to lazy. I really hate the way this country ids coming out to be. Up side down American flag serves this country well.
2:50 Actually, quite a bit have multi-payer health care, which includes private health care firms. Such as France, Japan, and Germany.
Oh yea, Single Payer! That's why obamacare was designed to fail.
Statistics? studies show that 73.82374% of all statistics are made up spontaneously.
Medicaid is not health insurance for anyone 55 and older and it's quite pathetic on the White House's . Hardly insurance.
Sadly, "we" can absolutely ignore facts.
'Murica! -
Hmmm.. Time Warner's logo looks quite Illuminati to me (666).
It's still going to be a train wreck.
Still the cost of the healthcare is too high, they are not doing nothing to control the cost of prescription drugs or the outrageous prices that the hospitals are charging,stil have glitches with the website.
Lol @ those who cry "SOCIALISM!!!" when it comes to this healthcare program. Seriously, it's time to accept the fact the Cold War is over. There are no Reds under your beds, like your mommies told you as kids.
Socialism was dangerous only yesteryears. Today it's a very good thing. Hats off to Obama and crew. I seriously hope he runs a 3rd term, it's definitely doable. Constitution is so outdated and crap now, worked only for tin soldiers, not the populous.
typical of progressive policies in that everything is always equated to the lowest common denominator. Obamacare is destroying the entire healthcare system for 300 hundred million Americans just so those uninsured, most of whom chose that route, can be insured.
if Obamcare is working why is Obama continually changing the implementation of it, which is really unconstitutional? Why has the corporate mandate been postponed until after the 2014 election? Now he has postponed the individual mandate for 2 years, thinking about putting it off until after the 2016 elections?
David stop with your lies! -
Here is why I'm opposed to The Affordable Care Act (I won't call it Obamacare), because I own a business that employs 83 people full time. We also pay for our employees insurance at 100% of their cost and their families. Our rates went from $212.09 per person (458.77 for a family) to 769.11 per person (1,385.41 for a family). This is outrageous, I love my employees and don't want to have to let any go, but in tough times, like now, it's tough not to. Not to mention the cost of doing business in CA is crazy to begin with.
Obama should have just gone for a socialized universal healthcare system instead of this half measure. I hope obamacare works and that eventually every American has health insurance, but I feel that the approach taken by Canada and much of Europe is far more effective at helping people.
I not sure why you're so concerned about heath care anyway, America is in so much dept that when (not if) your economy collapses and people are rioting in the streets you won't give two shits about what ludicrous "heath care system" you have. When you're done giving Obama fellatio and you come to the sobering realization that you've been blatantly lied to for over a decade, then, maybe then you'll realize how your complacent naiveté lead to the destruction of your Country by an out of control hubris Government. Why do you think police forces all over America are taking control of over 13,000 MRAPs; because they think that they look pretty (?) Wake up.
Yeah the ones that don't have to pay for it!! It's bullshit!!!!
Wake your friends and family up! Jesus is coming! Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
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Hosea 4: 1-3 (KJV) King James Version Bible
1. Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
2. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.
3. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.
Zephaniah 1: 1-3 (KJV) King James Version Bible -
I love what this channel is doing. But when the GOP plays on their Obamacare talking points, it is more about Lee Atwater tactics than about the truth and they know that. The GOP knows what their consitiuents want to hear and they give it to them.
One thing that has to be done as well is prescription coverage.Whats the point of having the guaranteed ability to see a doctor,than to wind up having to pay in some cases a couple of hundred dollars for a prescription.It is kind of like owning a Cadillac with no tires.