bypass code verification 1 teaches the battlelog with mail and Pass 2 to save your password and all wait for a short time 3 if you already have installed battlelog plugin download it and install it you get automatically be removed if it is not installed 4 go to play a test range multiplayer or campaign 5 wait a few seconds to start up and you'll be automatically logged in to the origin client 6 play .... I note that this procedure is not directly tied to be in the client changed sq means only entry access is via Battlelog this procedure is valid only for bf4 bf3 bf hardline and Medal of Honor Warfighter bypass verifikacijkog koda 1 uci na battlelog sa mailom i passom 2 spremiti lozinku i sve sacekati malo 3 ako vec nemas instalan battlelog plugin downati ga i instalirati dobijes automatski da se skine ako nije instaliran 4 otici na play test range multiplayer ili campain 5 sacekati par sekundi da se pokrene i automatski ces biti logiran na origin client 6 igraj ....napominjem da ovaj postupak nije direktno vezan da se moze u samom klijentu mjenjati sq znaci samo ulazak na acc preko battleloga ovaj postupak vrijedi samo za bf4 bf3 bf hardline i medal of honor warfighter ORIGIN VERIFICATION CODE BYPASS MAY2015 Freedom! working only battlelog and acc with bf 3-4 bf hardline and medal of honor warfighter LOGIN TO BATTLELOG AND PLAY MUSIC Remembering Her Face Silent Partner