Pluto's X-Rays Baffle Scientists | Space News
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In Part 3 of this four-part presentation, physicist Eugene Bagashov continues his analysis of the New Horizons mission to the dwarf planet Pluto. In the Plutonian system, one of the great surprises for planetary scientists was the Chandra observatory’s detection of X-rays from Pluto. This is only one of several phenomena at the planet that have sometimes drawn the analogy of Pluto to a comet. In the Electric Universe Theory as developed by physicist Wal Thornhill, any body on a significantly elliptical orbit can display comet-like characteristics. Today, Eugene offers his own thoughts on this and other surprises from Pluto, including the mysterious behavior of the Plutonian atmosphere. Part One, Pluto Grows More Mysterious: Part Two, Pluto's Origins in the Electric Universe: SUPPORT US ON PATREON AND WATCH OUR INFLUENCE GROW: “Changing the world through understanding of the Electric Universe." Subscribe to Thunderbolts Update newsletter: The Thunderbolts Project Home: Essential Guide to the Electric Universe: Facebook: Twitter: @tboltsproject Electric Universe by Wal Thornhill: Electric Universe T-shirts and Gifts: The ideas expressed in videos presented on The Thunderbolts Project YouTube Channel do not necessarily express the views of T-Bolts Group Inc or The Thunderbolts Project(TM).
I bet I'm the only stoned person in this chat
There is nothing strange about that place of junk!!
It just follows Jupiter's properties! -
A welcome break from the election... Thank you!
we live in a universe driven by electricity, it really is that simple. How did we as a species spend so much time and energy not seeing what was all the time right in front of us? LOL WTF? How bizarre
Always enjoy your presentations. Keep up the great work!
Sodium conducts electricity. Perhaps Pluto's white surface area is covered with sodium nitrate from a former salt water ocean. NaNO2 is a white to slightly yellowish crystalline powder and some surface areas on Pluto are white to yellowish in color 2:36 Again, perhaps Pluto"s white surface area is covered with sodium nitrate. If the earth's oceans were to dry up i'm sure the Pacific and Atlantic ocean regions of the planet would turn white from the sodium that would be left behind. Perhaps planet Pluto once had salt water oceans in the white regions of the planet. ???
Hyperion looks like a wasp nest, lol
We are basically in a humongous vacuum tube. Plasma is the underlying conductor and when space is absent of gross matter under a vacuum it will conduct much like a vacuum tube and the plasma will glow being intensified by the elements in the tube. Plasma is the medium. It's gradient and density dictate the flow capability of that space. More density and huge amounts of current can be passed in that space. Even in air, plasma conducts after condensing around the high potential area(terminal). Plasma will flow and pack in to any space presented with a very high or very low potential gradient. With the surface dictating any lens effects you speak of.
The layering you see around Pluto is just what you suggest. Layers of density controlled plasma flows. Density changes tend to be surfaces for a certain charge level. In our case plasma is in higher density the higher you go in our own atmosphere. Higher density of plasma means more potential conduction is available. This is the voltage gradient we see when we use ground as a ground and the terminal suspended in the air. Each discrete movement going away from ground in distance means a higher potential in reference to the ground. Tesla recorded these values and most good scientists know these values. I on the other hand do this as a hobby so I don't retain such details easily here is a blurb i quickly looked up.
" The electrostatic field
and the difference of potential of the earth field according to
investigations, is in summer about 60 to 100 volts and in winter 300 to
500 volts per meter of difference in height, a simple calculation gives
the result that when such a collector is arranged for example on the
ground, and a second one is mounted vertically over it at a distance of
2000 meters and both are connected by a conducting cable, there is a
difference in potential in summer of about 2,000,000 volts and in winter
even of 6,000,000 volts and more."
We have the means to become energy self efficient in respect to the ground here on earth. Making or devising a way to extract energy from that difference should be child's play. To boot if we relieve some of this pressure, storms and global warming should disappear if we monitor our taps. dumping a ton of this potential into our planet would tip in the other direction if we are not careful. It would have to be extreme dumping of some serious potential to pop our planet. We have tons of matter and water holding it together pretty well. By the way water is in no short supply here because it is the result of charge carriers like hydrogen streaming off of the Sun as the solar wind. What resides between the hydrogen is pure plasma. When hydrogen drops it's charge it looses this plasma and the plasma enters our planets system of the atmosphere. Oxygen is made here mostly and combines to form Water. Space rain you could say. Water then carries a charge and sheds that and condenses even further as it goes shedding more and more plasma as it condenses. This plasma is the reason we have layers in our atmosphere. With water precipitating from two processes at that point. One from space and one from the Earth side. One goes up and one goes down usually settling into the Earth system after deposit from space. Some of this water gets evaporated out of our system into the external planets system of the Moon and surrounding plasma sheath area that surrounds our planet(Tail).
The sun is a Tap to the galactic plasma flow. All the energy we see coming from the Sun is being streamed out into our solar bubble via the solar wind, with the Sun as the focal point or z pinched Plasma stream constrictor. Hydrogen is our Plasma genesis in this arm. It might even be that way for both arms and tributaries of the galactic plane. Since life needs water then detecting this plasma flow should lead to tangible welling ups of life like our planet is. Remember water is the result of hydrogen plasma. Water is the Ultimate solvent and this plasma is the reason for that character. Maybe a certain sized plasma flow needed to happen before water is the byproduct and life grows. Figure out that flow metric and you could have a key to life in the Universe by using minimum flow statistics to dictate search parameters when looking for life out there...
Just some Hmmm things to think about,
Jonny B -
Di-electric ("ether" in discharge, no spatial attribute) and magnetic (centrifugal, spacial, centripetal, counterspacial) Universe. Electricity is the byproduct of dielectricity and magnetism :) Saying our universe is electric is a yet too simple discription
love Bagashov's razor sharp mind.
Nitrogen encapsulated by that well known sealant,,,,, Nitrogen. That would explain the Nitrogen signature 😁... Sorted! Thank you EU🌌 gene🐶
Thank you Eugene. Your words are clear and your ideas here are easy to grasp because of it.
The more I learn, the more sense I make of electricity as a governing force in all nature, at all scales.
But that word... "Photons"...
Little itty bitty particles of light...
Amazing how Pluto's xray phenomenon would generate just one photon at a time, generated by one electron during ionization, that traveled all the way to Chandra... and more than once!
What are the odds of That happening? lol
While no doubt, it's ionization of atoms in Pluto's atmosphere by accelerated solar wind, that produces these tiny but energetic electromagnetic xray bursts? Still, with all our technology, along with our great mass of brilliant and well paid scientists, no particle of light (photon) has ever been directly observed, detected, much less ever shown to have mass.
A particle of light, by definition and Einstein's theory of special relatively, must have mass in order to have velocity or energy.
However, light travels in waves. It's measured in wave length but waves of what? Why waves of particles of course. Like waves on water, the water provides the particles. The wave doesn't have mass, the water carrying it does.
Light doesn't have mass, so it follows that whatever it propagates through must have mass.
That indicates, the three trillion neutrinos, which pass through every square centimeter of our bodies every second, is that medium. The very same medium Einstein said didn't exist.
Now CERN's search for the "God" particle may be a colossal waste of effort and money but it has shown neutrinos have mass and that is huge, as are the implications.
Light cannot be a particle. There are no photons no matter how many text books say so. All indirect observations, such as Chandra's, are misinterpretations.
Photons are yet another example of consensus science using assumptions as facts. A word used for something having no empirical evidence whatsoever to validate the existence thereof. That scientists, failing in practicing their due diligence, assume must exist, because Albert said so! Case closed... just like O.J. Simpson!
Stephen Crothers is quite correct. Einstein removed the aether from Maxwell's equations without rationalization and used them anyway. You can't do that!
Maxwell figured out that magnetism and electromagnetism (light) require a medium to manifest in and propagate through. His laws are used extensively in sciences like astrophysics, extensively as are Newton's. Both effectively describe rules we use every day. They do not, however, explain their fundamental aspects of exactly what light waves propagate through or what gravity is and what it propagates through! Well it appears, both propagate through an ocean of neutral particles, organized by their collective ability to induce a dipole structure in these neutral particles which aren't actually individual particles but each their own system of resonant sub orbital systems. Fractal in nature and for now, beyond our ability to detect.
Like Thornhill has said, who knows where we stand in the cosmic order of things. I suspect TBP and her innovative minds are on the right train track... Just don't be fooled by the whistle 😉
As the Jedi's of funded science, doggedly cling to their patchwork theory of everything, even this hillbilly can see...
There is no such animal. Light is merely a wave of electromagnetic energy, flowing through an ocean that is a universe packed with untold googles of neutrinos and yes... Google is an internet search engine and big ass corporation but it's also a really big ass number!
Google it if you don't believe me. 😁 -
xrays are normally produced by shooting electrons at a metal (tungsten) plate ...any connection metal-wise?
Hilary for Prison 2016
200V is a tiny potential difference. There is a 100V/meter potential gradient in the Earth's atmosphere in fair weather.
Audio quality is quite low.
Thank you
i think teslas theory on how planets absorb cosmic rays like sponges and then emit them, where they can be collected like solar radiation to create electricity, may explain how pluto collects and emits radiation....unless its artifical.....