[http://www.marriland.com] Welcome to Marriland's Pokémon X (& Y) Adventure/Walkthrough! In this episode, I head onto Route 18 and make my way towards Couriant Town! [PLAYLIST: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgYcvjQqu5W7D12L3oGDz0c19w3BhMkAj] ______________________________ Marriland's Pokémon X Adventure is a video series designed for the Pokémon X & Y Walkthrough on my website, Marriland.com (link further down). As such, each episode will be broken up by area so it is easy to include it along with the written walkthrough. Pokémon X and Pokémon Y are the newest Pokémon games released for the Nintendo 3DS and are the introduction to Generation VI. They include many new Pokémon as well as tons of old Pokémon in the Kalos region. ______________________________ MY WEBSITE/FORUMS: • http://www.marriland.com • http://www.marriland.com/forums POKéMON X & Y WALKTHROUGH: • http://www.marriland.com/pokemon-xy/walkthrough SOCIAL STUFF (oooh, follow me!): • http://twitter.com/Marriland • http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marriland/91403447445 ______________________________ ARTWORK USED ON THE SIDE BY XOUS54: • http://xous54.deviantart.com/art/Legendary-Xerneas-355206049