SALTS KODI ADDON 2017 HOW TO INSTALL KRYPTON This video is about how to install salts on KODI 17 or Krypton. Salts Addon KODI is the one of the best movie addons for KODI. To review Salts KODI Addon I have downloaded it from fusion app and Installed it on my KODI 17. SALTS KODI Addon has got huge collection of movies and TV Shows. When you KODI Salts Install you get access to new movies that are top rated also you have an option to save favorite list of movies and TV Shows so next time when you use you can watch movies with a click. If I were to make Top Best Addon for KODI 2017 list then SALTS Movie Addon will be in the list. Disclaimer: This Video is for Educational Purpose Only. Thank You for Watching the Video. Liked the Video, Don't Forget to Like and Share. Subscribe for more Videos @ Watchful Videos. SALTS KODI ADDON 2017 HOW TO INSTALL KRYPTON SALTS KODI ADDON 2017 HOW TO INSTALL KRYPTON SALTS KODI ADDON 2017 HOW TO INSTALL KRYPTON SALTS KODI ADDON 2017 HOW TO INSTALL KRYPTON SALTS KODI ADDON 2017 HOW TO INSTALL KRYPTON Tags: salts kodi error, salts kodi library, salts vs exodus, salts kodi forum, kodi salts vs genesis, salts no sources found, how to install tknorris on kodi, tknorris repo, salts kodi addon not working, salts scraper timeout, stream all the sources no sources found, tknorris repo file download, how to install salts on kodi, salts kodi addon, tknorris, tknorris repo url, salts failed to install a dependency, how to install phoenix on kodi 17, kodi 17 phoenix.