SCP-2391 Bimmy Plays | object class safe | humanoid scp | internet/website scp |
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SCP-2391 is the YouTube account of popular entertainer Brian McKay, known on the website as 'Bimmy Plays', who was killed in a car crash in early 2013. Since Mr. McKay's death, SCP-2391 has continued to upload unlisted videos once a week featuring Mr. McKay. These videos are all exactly fifteen minutes long, and are all uploaded to the website at precisely 15:34 GMT. Attempts to trace who exactly is uploading these videos to SCP-2391 have thus far been unsuccessful. Read along with me! ♣Read along: "Unnatural Situation" - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License My SCP readings Season 1: Season 2: Season 3: Help me out on Patreon! ▼Patreon▼ Join me on Facebook and Twitter! ♣Facebook: ♣Twitter: Other ♣Music by Kevin MacLeod: ♥Be sure to like, comment, share, and subscribe!♥
Perhaps someone made a deal with 738?
Or maybe there's some connection to 2089?
But hey, that's just a theory...
a GAY THEORY! Thanks for watching! -
the internet/website scps give me the creeps. keep it up 😃
WTF I'm Bimmy plays well now because of this video immy plays but I ain't dead bruh
ayy love (sic) as a pretty great song! album? song series? idk, its pretty good stuff
I think one of Bimmy's fans is the actual SCP, and it's keeping him trapped for some reason.
We need a Bimmy Anime ASAP
I liked this one... these endless trap scp always saddens me. I couldn't imagine
what's with the outwards mating method of the seahorse?
May I refer to scp-049 as British bird with crumpets as testicles?
1. Bimmy isnt actually dead and was kidnapped then imprisoned in some abandoned eastern european gulag
2. Bimmy's soul was imprisoned in various videos by an entity or persons with such knowledge of metaversal workings...
3. Content is being streamed from a parallel universe where the former is not deceased.. (all possible states and out comes exist)
All in all, sorry for you Bimmy, maybe the agency can develop a way to utilize the energies/powers of the variety of SCP's they contain, whom have dominion over astral/spiritual or trans-dimensional manipulation to get you out of there. -
This is most likely going to be one of the longest comments I'll ever write here, so I'll split it up into three section. The first part will talk about what I think is going on with this SCP, the second will talk about some real life similarities, and the last will talk about what I think it represents.
What I think is going on is that some of Bimmy's subscribers somehow managed to put his soul in to a limbo like state where he can make videos for them to enjoy. As for who the figure that is mentioned, it could be one of the subscriber or entity that trapped his soul in the first places.
Now I know that some of you have or will look up Bimmy Plays to see if it's a real channel on YouTube, and it is. I only looked at part of the user latest video and it appears to be run by a kid. But before you go asking this kid for information on this SCP, I don't think they are related at this time, although if you do a bit of digging you find out that the account has been around well before the SCP was posted (the last video on the account is dated Nov 27 of this year, and the SCP was posted Dec 15 of this year). I haven't checked the other YouTube accounts listed in this SCP, but I'll do that later. I did however try to find the Runnerman game mentioned, but could find anything besides a few flash games.
As for what this SCP could represent, it may be a way of showing how some fans treat content creators on this site. I've seen how fans can react when their favorite channel doesn't post something for a while, in some cases they will demained that a video or something of the like be uploaded. An example that comes to mind is Mr Nightmare, who told his fans that videos may not come out for a while due to real life problems, at first many of the fans were supportive, but some of these fans later demanded that he upload a video (he had a video were he explained this, but I think he took it down). While not all of us are guilty of doing this, it shows how some fans will not let their favorite YouTubers take a break for any reason.
If you disagree/agree with anything I said, please reply so we can discuses it. -
That user, All Comments, man I hate him. He spoke for everyone instead of letting people give their unique thoughts.
I think Bimmy's fans may have made 'nanika' (That's japanese for the word : Something) to keep Bimmy trapped and making videos for the rest of his afterlife. Not gonna lie, if this is true then his fans that did this to him are very obsessive. They wouldn't even let the man pass away.
bimmys channel actually exsists
I like this. Supernatural fans of a Youtuber who have power over life and death are bummed that their favorite Youtuber died. So they resurrect him into his videos as a gift, but more importantly to keep providing content for them. They cannot comprehend how a mortal would not be anything else but appreciative for being allowed some sort of afterlife to continue entertaining his fans.
Can you read scp-2807, It's a personal favorite
He's stuck in time or is In purgatory
Eastside's content has gotten a lot better since he died lol.
don't ever die Eastside
breathing intensifys