Set-Up and unboxing of the Sky + On Demand Wireless Connector. The Sky On Demand Wireless Connector enables you to view extra on demand movies, TV box sets and catch-up TV! Connect to Sky On Demand WITHOUT Sky Wireless Connector : Earn Totally Free Money here : Sponsor Products For Review : Hope this Helps You, please leave a like if it did and please don't forget to rate, comment and subscribe! Just to Re-Cap: Step 1 - Locate Your Ethernet Port on the back of your Sky + Box. Step 2 - Input the green Ethernet cable into your ethernet port on the back of your Sky + Box. Step 3 - Repeat the procedure however into your new Wireless Connector. Step 4 - Input your power cable into your Wireless Connector then plug in the adapter into the mains. Step 5 - If a pop-up screen doesn't appear when you turn your Sky + Box on locate to Settings -- Network. Step 6 - Select the wireless network you wish to connect to and input your password using the keypad on your Sky TV remote. Step 7 - That's it! Enjoy the new features of you Sky + Box! Press the RED button to access on demand. TechnoLightning My Website : My Channel: Follow Me On Twitter : @TechnoLightning Like My FaceBook Page :