True World | Flat Earth Documentary ▶️️
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Researching the flat earth for the past year has been a guilty pleasure that I never wanted to admit, but I can't keep it in any longer. I understand how it sounds and I am prepared to be ridiculed. The more I look into ways to debunk the flat earth, the more reinforcement I find. The support for the spinning globe only seems to comes from blind faith and cognitive dissonance. This is a subject that affects everybody and most people would care if they actually accepted the facts. One fact being that the spinning ball earth has not been proven. We do not have authentic pictures of the earth and the curvature is nowhere to be found. We will being going over that and much more in this video. Thanks for watching. Written & Produced by ODD TV Special thanks to the following youtube channels: Eric Dubay P-Brane My Perspective Curious Life of a Flat Earther The Morgile Flat Earth and Other Hot Potatoes Jeranism Paul Cheeft Rob Skiba Vlog Channel: Facebook: SoundCloud: Twitter: Instagram: RedBubble: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Fake Moon Landing | As Seen On TV" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Wow how did I miss this one?
it blew my mind when I first came to reality that the earth really is flat but it's all true think about it anyway why on earth would anyone call a globe earth, earth is exactly that earth, God called the dry ground earth and it is still called earth to this day, anyway research as I did and so many other if u don't believe don't just say it's crap look into it and u will learn that the earth is not a globe I gurantee it.
Hmmmm..aerially, not anything or anyone can ascend through Earth's firmament. Because it's impenetrable. Nor, can anything or anyone drill any deeper than 41,000 feet through the Earth's soil...nary a thang. Don't believe the dishonest scientists or astroNOTS. They're all liars with nil proof of outer space, or planets, or galaxies, or gravity, or aliens, etc. We've been bamboozled for many years. Earth is and has always been flat as a pancake. Wake-up, people!!
I feel so bad for these people that defend the globe with all the things that we already were taught in gradeschool. so much evidence proves it's flat. I guess it's the hurt from the truth
Has anyone ever seen the strange pictures of geometrically shaped clouds on google earth that the tv show 'WHAT ON EARTH' talks about? They look like digital artifacts but allegedly they cant be because they are photos taken directly from satellites. Makes me wonder. There just really might be something to this since NASA's lies are being exposed so much more lately. The theres the Astronauts fearful "freakouts" upon arrival their first times in space.
no its not flat!!! its a 1000 miles per hour spining ball, with sun gravity pulling the entire planet in orbit but cannot pull humans or butterflies; where the moon is strong enough to cause tides in oceans but not lakes! Where the sun and moon look like the same size because the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon but 400 times further away!
A world with difference in seasons between the hemispheres due to the tilt of the earth "66.6" degree...(what a random number), But no effect from a 3 millions miles difference in distance between the sun and earth throughout the year...
Where satellites are thousands but we can't see them neither from the ground neither from space!
Maybe its true! Maybe you do come from Monkeys!!
Would u know if you are brainwashed or not?
Never use ur fucking common sense but always follow authority, live in television and believe all news received.
earth is a ball we see that on TV, movies, school books... we are not living on a flat earth - we are not created - we are not watched by God - we are not unique - we don't have a purpose in life - we are spinning through space - We don't beleibe in a creator - we are coming from monkeys - we are sooooo tiny in this endless universe - we are materialistic - we are degrading - we have alternative planets incoming therefore its ok to piss on and kill each other and the earth over money and EGO!
did u know? you can't find not 1 REAL picture of the ENTIRE ball earth! not 1 picture is real and u can start from checking ur "smart" phone u have in hand... It's either composites, CGI or photoshoped images. If u know how to read check the description of the picture you are seeing!
good luck -
Did you know that in the fe snow globe model that the sun is outside the dome that nothing passes through, erm, how does the planet get heat/light from the sun then? Explain Chelyabinsk. fe is pure bullshit fact deal with it kiddos.
where is this fucking spinning BALL going to ?????
This video is interesting but it has some blatant issues. Planes always fly over the attic when traveling across the world because it's shorter..doesn't mean the earth is flat. Also, a plane can land safely on a spinning earth the same way you can toss a ball back in forth inside a moving car. Planes are moving inside of the earths atmosphere which is moving wth the earth.
so if sun was closer than we thought can you explain why temperature get colder on higher altitudes
what about everest?? -
I am still confused : if we are to also to presume that the shipping routes are fake too...from Japan to come after the Fukushima earthquake so much of their stuff could land in California which is the other side of the flat earth map ?? was it all fake news??? And if we are to follow the flat earth map, where is the leaking radiation really going to ????? or is radiation leak fake too???
the Holy Quran stated that over 1400 year ago. Go check Chapter(Sura) 88 verse(Aya) 20 and you will see what I told you with your own eyes
Reply -
did yall forget mass bends light?
I see so many people in these threads spouting off at one another, back and fourth, back and fourth. I challenge anyone to spend some time by first taking away any bias opinions, preconceived ideas and look into it, heck give it a couple of weeks. What do you have to loose, a little time, heck most waste that much time talking about stuff that doesn't matter any way. The only reason and I mean the only reason we all believed, is because we trusted the untrustworthy. We never questioned it, we had faith. So stop arguing and look in to it. because those that appose it, have not done the research, nor any observation, which is soooo obvious, that it's pathetic. Some of the things people are saying to each other in these threads, would not be said to the faces of each other. So stop, Just stop. This is childish and uncalled for. This is what they want us to do, cain't you see that? Dang We have been indoctrinated through all matters on media and the school system. Heck, do you think they were going to teach us to be individuals so that we may all flourish together, or instead teach us to compete against one another, to out due each other and to use materialistic things to compare that by. Grow up people, we have been dubbed. Face it!!
Do they make Bio-Spheres or Bio-Domes for scientific experiments? Wonder why............
so it's a flat earth with a firmament over us with the sun and moon in the firmament . outside the firmament is the waters above and waters below . now in this in essence a fish tank that we all live in there's volcanos there's earthquakes there's tsunamis there's seasons there's eclipses the meteor showers ? how ?? flat earth theorists say there's no proof of a globe earth . there is absolutely no proof of a flat earth !! the moon landings faked ? of course they were ! for cold war propaganda . not coz the earth is flat .
looks at jpeg what's this?! boxes compression artifact
let's agree that the earth is flat as you said, in that case, if you stand above 1 km height and watch around the land, during, clear sky time, we should see more than 2000 km radius of landmass with our own eye, even with out any obstacle. But that is not happening!!! Then why you confusing the people's mind by doubtful false information?
You have NO problem at all believing the Earth is Flat! So it stands to reason, you think Eric Dubay is smarter than Ptolomy, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, & Einstein! GO AND CHECK YOURSELF IN DUDE!!!
this is just stupid ... you are ignoring everything else so your terory can make sense ... than it's easy, if i say it's a duck, just because has feathers, than i must be right, period. That's what you do, it doesn't make sense to me, so must be something else ... you guys, i can only state that this is for comic purpuses right?