Teil 1 von geplanten 3 Teilen zum Thema Computer. Meine Hoffnung ist das ein paar von euch etwas dabei lernen oder sogar Lust auf Informatik bekommen?
Themen: Bluetooth Funktionsweise, Reichweite, Name, Übertragung, Strahlung Antwort/Kategorie wählen: http://wissensbooster.de/episode46 Artikel zum ...
Introducing Nintendo Switch! In addition to providing single and multiplayer thrills at home, the Nintendo Switch system also enables gamers to play the same ...
Wie funktioniert Google (und auch andere Suchmaschinen)? Ganz einfach, zuerst müssen alle sichtbaren Seiten erfasst bzw. entdeckt werden. Dafür werden ...
Print ist tot – es lebe Online! Das gilt für viele Zeitungen. Wie du dabei den Durchblick behältst und nur bezahlst, was dich wirklich interessiert, erfährst du heute.
Teil 3 der Reihe. In diesem Video zeige ich euch wie man binär addiert, subtrahiert und vergleicht. Außerdem bauen wir diesmal unsere ALU zusammen.
Musically tutorial deutsch, Ich hoffe ich konnte mit diesem Video einige Fragen klären!♥ Hier kostenlos Abonnieren: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8BO.
Über Mila können Kunden technischen Support von Privatpersonen (Mila Friends) und professionellen Serviceanbietern buchen, bezahlen und bewerten.
Sorry For Saying "LIKE" All The Time :( SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHSeEBp-a2jYfN0wU5p_Prg TWEET ME:) ...
Teil 4 der Reihe. Leider gab es mit der CPU unerwartete Probleme, darum habt ihr hier etwas um die Wartezeit zu füllen. Logisim: ...
WIE FUNKTIONIERT TELEPORTATION? Besprochen wird Quantenteleportation und die generelle Machbarkeit von Beamen! ▻ SUBSCRIBE NOW ...
Grundsätzlich fließt das Wasser von der Pumpe durch ein Rohr in das Schneidkopf. Erläuterung des Prinzips wie das System und desen Bedienung und ...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) --- Today's Mystery Video - https://youtu.be/7ODA2wZ1SjI Mighty Mug - http://amzn.to/29jg4Jl The Mighty mug uses some interesting tech to sit still ...
Für alle, welche sich fragen wie ein kapazitiver Touchscreen funktioniert!
Wie macht man eine Kippe, d.h. einen Kippaufschwung am Reck oder Stufenbarren? Ein methodischer Weg zum Erlernen dieser speziellen Technik aus dem ...
A young WWE Universe member gets the surprise of his life when Randy Orton appears out of nowhere on Swerved season two, episode three "Drop it Down"!
Benedikt Böhm erklärt wie die TÜV zertifizierte Dynafit Radical 2 Ski Touren Bindung funktioniert.
Follow on Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/GavinFree In this ridiculously requested video, Gav and Dan show you what popcorn looks like when it... pops.
Help us to make future videos for you. Make LE's efforts sustainable. Please support us at Patreon.com ! https://www.patreon.com/LearnEngineering Working of ...
Wie funktioniert ein elektrisches Einrad? http://www.electro-sport.de/ www.ewheels.org music by NightRadio (Alexander Zolotov) http://warmplace.ru/
Der 2. Teil zu meiner Computer-Serie. Diesmal geht es um die Grundlagen zu Logikschaltungen. Logisim: http://ozark.hendrix.edu/~burch/logisim/ Teil 1: ...
See Through Glass Head on Briggs and Stratton Internal Combustion Engine in Slow Motion and 4K Slow Motion. you can see just how and engine really works ...
Der Toter-Winkel-Assistent erkennt Fahrzeuge in einer Entfernung von bis zu drei Metern. Wenn sich jemand in jenen kritischen Bereich begeben hat, in dem ...
add me on Snapchat CASEYNEISTAT on http://instagram.com/caseyneistat on https://www.facebook.com/cneistat on https://twitter.com/CaseyNeistat.
On this episode of How'd They Do That, we take a look at how a top fuel dragster makes all its power and barrels down the 1000-ft race track. Connect To ...
A ballpoint pen seems simple: press a button you can write, press again and put it in your pocket. Yet inside a clever mechanisms turns that simple push into all ...
FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/GuyTangHair Instagram: http://instagram.com/guy_tang Twitter: https://twitter.com/Guy_Tang ...
Buy the cut-out for $10 - http://amzn.to/1UpM7UL Subscribe for more videos - http://bit.ly/SubUnbox Hope this "How it works" video featuring Google Cardboard ...
UPDATED POLAROID VIDEO!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFF-GYGiqVg&list=UUr60fJmsgoT-d5Wxf5zeIMA SUBSCRIBE TO ME!
Purchase VIDEO: http://hilaroad.com/video A toy gyroscope demonstrates the remarkable consequences of angular momentum.
Ad for Anki Click here to watch the Anki Drive Battle Grand Prix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IQi1hnqCpA Our 2nd Channel EvanTubeRAW: ...
Help us to make future videos for you. Make LE's efforts sustainable. Please support us at Patreon ! https://www.patreon.com/LearnEngineering The working of a ...
John Oliver's excitement for the World Cup is tempered by knowing information about FIFA, the organization that produces it. John details the problems with the ...
Donald Trump spreads a lot of false information thanks to his daily consumption of morning cable news. If only we could sneak some facts into the president's ...
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ViralVideoLab How to make a Paper Airplane That flies Forever. Please Subscribe For ...
Made this on a 3D printer. If you want one for yourself, I've put it on: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:114468 Keep away from the blades, they bite! White blades ...
RIP Michael BTW I do not own any part of this Video. PS: Michael was not LYPSINC. For some odd reason when the video was uploaded to YT, the sound and ...
For more, check out http://bulletjournal.com Book used in video: http://store.bulletjournal.com Sign up for the newsletter: http://goo.gl/n8FzpO Facebook: ...
This shows how fire sprinklers work and just how sensitive and fast they operate when heated up. - This head was dropped so it was decided it should not be ...
They Tried To Shrink An iPhone - https://youtu.be/pAQN3zD1RMw?list=PL7u4lWXQ3wfI_7PgX0C-VTiwLeu0S4v34 Rock-It 3.0 (USA Link) ...
Why does a gyroscope not turn in the direction you push it? Seeing the equations that tell me this is not satisfying to me. I have found a way to think about it that ...
ヅWe are back with some more Resident Evil 7, part 2ヅ ALL EPISODES: ...
Subscribe to Tipsy Bartender: http://bit.ly/1krKA4R The prettiest shots ever...RAINBOW SHOTS! These are the best looking rainbow shots ever! EMMA'S VIDEOS: ...
When best friends Noah (Dobies) and Ford (Erakat) realize they've both fallen for the same girl, it could be the end of their friendship. But when free-spirited ...
Set in a future where population control is dictated by a high school aptitude test, two students must take down the system before it takes them first. The Thinning ...
Help us to make future videos for you. Make LE's efforts sustainable. Please support us at Patreon.com ! https://www.patreon.com/LearnEngineering The working ...
Suicide Squad: The Album” is available NOW! Download here: http://smarturl.it/SuicideSquad Sucker for Pain - Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons with ...
Video & GTR by Aaron Eddington, Annapolis MD Driver Tammy from Newport news VA Courage is strong in this beautiful GTR Pilot! She took the directions ...
Are you a spark enthusiast like me?! Then learn to make a taser here. For more details, please see http://www.electroboom.com/?p=484 Follow me on ...